Monday, August 15, 2011

it all started with pop and a lego....

hey hey! hannah here :) i have come to tell you a little story, that goes like this....
once upon a time, in a far away land called Allison's house, there were two geeks. one geek, was very smart and had super cute hair. *cough cough- allison*  the other, was very sporty, and had her ucky hair in a ponytail. (can you guess who that is...?)  these geeks were the best of friends, and were enjoying some pizza.
"hm." said the geek with the ponytail. "i'm thirsty"
"i know!" remarked the smart one. "we have some grape pop mother got us!"
the ponytail and smarty smiled at the idea of having something both love. they had this strange friendship in many foods. but grape pop was a very popular one.
while the smart one poured the glass, the other took a bite of her pizza crust.
"this crust taste very stale"  she said.
then the smart burst out with laughter and applause as she screamed, "thats a lego!"
the pony-tail geek matched the smart ones
"fiddlesticks" face.  and they both cracked up laughing.

lol. this is a true story that happened to allison and me :)  twaz quite hilarious. ;)
but, hence the name. :)  now you know the reason of our strange title :) 
hope you liked it!


  1. XD Hahaha! You two sound like me and my besties ;) I am such a blonde and I totally do stuff like that. I'm just sometimes afraid to post about it because not every1 needs to know that I'm a moron...only certain ppl r allowed to hold that information XP
    Hehehe luving the blog you guys! :)

  2. How do you make it so that it says posted by the two of you?
